Our Parish Campaign will revitalize our Parish Center, making it more inviting and comfortable for all ministries, while also establishing an endowment to ensure our parish's long-term financial security.
Small time commitment, tremendous satisfaction.
Holy Family is seeking volunteers to transport and attend Sunday Mass with those parishioners lacking transportation.
Book of Remembrance is displayed in our church during the month of November, the month of All Souls.
It contains the names of those whose funerals took place here at Holy Family Parish this past year.
Add Fri, Nov 15
ASP is back to celebrate Holy Family’s 20th mission trip to support this wonderful organization!
Anyone (teens and chaperones alike) interested in attending must sign up online by Fri, Nov 15.
Add Fri, Nov 15 @ 5:00 PM
In the chapel here at Holy Family
Beginning with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, followed by Benediction before the healing service at 5:30pm.
Add Sat, Nov 16 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us to celebrate our newly renovated Parish Center! All are welcome!
Add Sat, Nov 16 @ 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (weekly)
Promotes conversation about the Sunday readings on Saturday mornings in the Herrick Room in the Parish Center
Add Sat, Nov 16 @ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Are you – or someone you know – seeking peace after an abortion?
Add Sun, Nov 17 @ 9:00 AM (weekly)
Join us at the 9:00am Mass for our Children's Liturgy of the Word which is a form of the Liturgy of the Word that empowers children to participate in the Mass as fully as possible.