Christian Service / Community Outreach Ministries

ASP (Appalachia Service Project)

Adults and teens serve poor residents of Appalachia for one week in the summer by repairing their homes. Year-long preparation and fundraising activities precede this experience. We need both adults who would like to volunteer to lead our teens in a project that can be instrumental in enhancing their Catholic faith, and teens interested in participating in an extremely worthwhile call to Christian service. Contact Kim Ballerene at or 617-610-0583.

Eucharist Home Visits

Eucharistic Ministers who bring Communion and provide company to homebound parishioners. Contact MaryAnn Salzillo at 508-367-3095 or

Eucharist BID Hospital Visits

Eucharistic Ministers who bring communion to the sick at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth. Contact Chaplain MaryAnn Sztaba at or 508-830-2626.

Eucharist Nursing Home Visits

Eucharistic Ministers who lead prayer and bring Communion to Catholics at the Bay Path Nursing Home and the Village at Duxbury. To volunteer with this team of visitors contact Kristen at the Parish Office 781-934-5055.

Fr. Bill's Volunteer Opportunity

Once a month, Holy Family provides meals and servers at their location in Quincy. Meals are simple to make (recipe provided) and cost about $20 to make. They are brought to the church during the weekend before Sunday at 3:00pm and then servers of up to 6 (children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent) bring the meals to Quincy where the service lasts for about 2 hours. This is a wonderful opportunity for families, older teens and groups looking for an outreach volunteer opportunity. Please contact Jasmine Cosgrove at

Interfaith Council

A group of clergy and lay representatives from the different religious communities in Duxbury, which sponsors special interfaith celebrations on various occasions and addresses common needs in the community. Contact Duxbury Interfaith Council (DIC) at 781-934-8388.

My Brother's Keeper (MBK)

Looking for donations of new or used furniture in excellent condition to provide to the needy. Contact Jim Sullivan at 781-936-8904.

Prayer Line

Do you need prayers? A Prayer Ministry Phone Line is available here at Holy Family. To make a request, call our Prayer Confidential Phone Line 781-934-5055 ext. 133. Leave your name as the person requesting prayers (it can be only your first name); the person for whom the request is being made; and the specific reason for the prayer request. You may wish to leave a name and number if you would like someone to call back to acknowledge your request.

If you would like to join our Prayer Line volunteers, please email Ken McCarthy at

Prison Ministry

To draw from the time, talent, and faith of parish men and women to help the imprisoned change their lives through a better understanding of their Catholic religion. Contact Paul Kasimatis at or 781-934-5890.

Respect Life

The mission of this group is to raise awareness of the sacredness of all human life through various activities, through education, and through prayer. Fundraising events, such as selling silk Roses for Life on Mother's Day and parish "baby showers" support the Friends of the Unborn Home for unwed mothers. The Respect Life group participates in the Walk for Life in Boston in October and the March for Life in Washington, D.C. in January. They alert parishioners to upcoming life issues in order to contact our legislators as well as post notices regarding Project Rachel retreats and other life-affirming programs. The group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00am in the Herrick Room. Contact Jim Murphy at

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Named after its founder St. Vincent de Paul, this society is part of an international Catholic organization of lay persons founded in 1833. As a parish group, support is provided to the community financially, spiritually, and pastorally. Confidential help, be it food baskets, paying rent or utility bills, can be arranged. Please remember those in need. Contact 781-361-3595.