Holy Family Staff & Office Hours
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays: 9:00am - 12:00 Noon
Summer Office Hours (July-August)
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Friday: closed
Our office is located in the basement of the Church at 601 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02364. For easiest access please use our Lower Parking lot located on Chestnut Street.
Not sure who to contact?
Use our online contact form to send a note the Parish office.

Very Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF
A native of Quincy, MA, and a graduate of Boston College High, Northeastern University, University of Hartford and St. John Seminary, Brighton. Fr. Bob was ordained a priest in 1983. He has served at parishes in West Roxbury, Somerville/Medford, Lynn, Plymouth and Canton. Prior to his appointment as Pastor of Holy Family Parish, he served as Director of Clergy Personnel for the Archdiocese of Boston.
Parish ministry has always provided Fr. Bob with the most fulfillment and enjoyment, affording him the opportunity to live out the true purpose of his priesthood.

Rev. William G. Williams
Senior Assistant
Fr. Bill grew up in Boston (Roslindale), graduated from B.C. High in 1961. He attended the seminary after high school and was ordained in 1969. After a few years in the Merrimack Valley (1969-1978), he came to the south shore serving 13 years in Braintree, 14 years in Hull, and 10 years in Plymouth. He considered himself blest to have served in two ocean-side parishes and now to be invited to a third parish by the ocean is a blessing beyond belief. He looks forward to this new role as a “senior” priest and to the blessings God has in store for him.

Dcn. Arthur J. Keefe
Permanent Deacon
Art Keefe was ordained a deacon in 1996 and has been a parishioner at Holy Family Parish for more than 40 years. He has enjoyed being involved in prison and bereavement ministries as well as youth retreats.
A huge sports fan, he is especially interested in the Patriots and the Red Sox, whom he once worked for and traveled with. A Northeastern University graduate in Mathematics, Art feels blessed to have been married for many decades to Mary, his sweetheart since their teen years. Mary and Art's personal life revolves around their three children and six grandchildren.

Dcn. Donald Larose
Permanent Deacon
Don Larose was ordained a deacon in 2020 and he and his family have been parishioners at Holy Family Parish for more than 25 years.
Originally from Rochester, NY he graduated from the New York State College at Cortland with a degree in Economics, and later with a Masters in Management from Baker University in Kansas. He has worked for several large companies in his career and is currently in franchise development in the automotive repair industry.
He and his wife Colleen have been married for 39 years and have been blessed with three grown children and four grandchildren. Don enjoys exercise and golf in his spare time.

Dcn. David Cosgrove
Permanent Deacon
David Cosgrove was ordained in 2022 and has been a parishioner at Holy Family for more than 30 years.
David is a graduate of Saint Anselm College with a BA in History and is currently working on a Masters degree in Theology. During his time at Saint Anselm, David met his wife of over 20 years, Jasmine. They reside in Duxbury with their three children.

Mrs. Mary Keefe
Music Director
Mary Keefe has been Music Director at Holy Family since 2002 (a choir director since 1980) and long time parishioner since the 1970's. With a degree from Boston University in music education and a great love of liturgy, it has been a wonderful opportunity to share God's musical gifts.
Her special interests include being Nana to six beautiful grandchildren and dancing. Mary is married to Deacon Art and is the mother of three children.

Mrs. Kristen McArdle
Office Administrative Assistant
Kristen McArdle is married to Bill and is the mother of two children, Sophie and Jack. She and her husband grew up in Duxbury and both of their families continue to live here.
Kristen loves being with her family and friends, volunteering for various community organizations, spending time on the beach, and working in the garden.

Mrs. Cheryl Provost
Business Manager
I recently returned to Massachusetts after living in New Hampshire for the past fifteen years. I have been married to my husband Bill for 34 years, and we have one son Shawn.
I served as the Bookstore Manager for Ste. Marie Parish in Manchester, NH for ten years, and then as Office Manager for Sacred Heart Parish, which is also located in Manchester, NH.
I enjoy hiking, jogging, kayaking and cross country skiing. The Holy Family Parish community has been very welcoming, and I look forward to serving the parishioners.

Mr. Matt Bensman
Director of Family Faith Formation
Matt grew up in Toledo Ohio and attended Franciscan University of Steubenville where he double majored in Theology and Philosophy. Matt now lives in Middleboro, MA with his wife, KellyAnn, children Graham and Caroline and dogs Lexi and Buckeye. When he is not at Holy Family Matt enjoys spending time with his family, grilling in the backyard and trying to find time to sneak in a round or two of golf.

Jackie Halpin Curran
Family Faith Formation Minister
Jackie grew up on the south shore and attended Archbishop Williams High School. Yay, Bishops! Jackie earned her Bachelors’ Degree, Master of Education and a Certificate of School Administration from Emmanuel College. Yay, Saints! Jackie currently teaches Spanish at the East Middle School in Braintree where she has taught since 1990. Yay, Wamps! Jackie has been active in Faith Formation throughout her life as a catechist, coordinator and youth minister at St. Jerome, Sacred Heart and St. Joseph the Worker Parishes. Yay, Christian Youth! #faithinthenextgeneration

Mary Juliano Hayes
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant
Mary lives in the town of Pembroke with her husband Mark and their two daughters, Elizabeth and Genevieve. Mary is originally from Dorchester (OFD) and grew up in St. Ann’s parish in Neponset. She has a B.S. degree in Management Studies and Marketing from Boston University. She was also a former employee of Boston University before deciding to raise her two girls. Mary is a very active member of the choir at Holy Family. Upon moving she searched for a musical outlet and found it in the choir at Holy Family. She enjoys singing, volunteering at school and spending time with her family and friends.
Holy Family strives to be a joyful, welcoming community of faith that encounters Jesus and thinks with His mind and loves with His heart.