Holy Family strives to be a joyful, welcoming community of faith that encounters Jesus and thinks with His mind and loves with His heart.


Experience Mass Virtually at Home

Join us for Mass at 9:00am every Sunday live-streamed here. Recordings will be available afterwards on our website and also on our YouTube Channel.

If you would like to request a Mass intention, please click here for more information.

Thank you for your continued generosity during this time. Click below to help support Holy Family.


Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

02-02-2025  |  Fr. Bob Deehan

There are many folks around us looking for hope. Maybe you’re one of them. Some have lost loved ones or are dealing with a terminal illness, others are alienated from family members, or have seriously messed up their lives having made bad choices, or have faced daunting challenges they have had no control over such as a loss of a job. They long for some comfort and help to get them through their despair.


Upcoming Events

Weekly Video Message

Each week, Father Bob or a member of the staff share a video message with the Holy Family Community. You can have these messages and other important information sent directly to your inbox by signing up for our parish Flocknotes. Sign up to receive our weekly messages here.