We are excited to announce a new program offered here at Holy Family for those suffering from addiction or their loved ones, called iTHIRST.

“Every drug addict has a unique personal story and must be listened to, understood, loved, and, insofar as possible, healed and purified. We cannot stoop to the injustice of categorizing drug addicts as if they were mere objects or broken machines; each person must be valued and appreciated in his or her dignity in order to enable them to be healed. The dignity of the person is what we are called to seek out. They continue to possess, more than ever, a dignity as children of God.”

What is I Thirst?

The iTHIRST Initiative is an addiction and recovery ministry of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinity Missions). Its charism is to empower the laity and serve the poor and spiritually abandoned. Early on, Fr. Judge understood that amongst the spiritually abandoned were those who suffered from drug and alcohol addictions. Since that time, Trinity Missions has been on the front line serving this population and their families.

Schedule a Meeting

iTHIRST Spiritual Companionship Ministry: If you or a loved one are affected by the disease of addiction, you don’t need to suffer alone. We now offer the iTHIRST Spiritual Companionship Ministry, where you can meet regularly with a certified iTHIRST Spiritual Companion who will help shepherd you through these difficult times by providing spiritual consolation and recovery resource information. Appointments are available by contacting Eileen Cerne at #781-424-8533 or eicerne@gmail.com or Paul Kasimatis at #781-934-5890 or kaigolf@hotmail.com.

Opioid Addiction by the Numbers