Liturgical and Related Ministries

Altar Care

The ministry of altar care consists of weekly care of the Altar and Sacristy, washing of Altar cloths, care of plants, flower bouquets and vestments. If you would be interested in helping with the above, please contact Maureen Taylor at or 781-934-6289.

Altar Servers

Open to all children age 10 or older.  Servers assist the priest at weekend Mass and are usually scheduled twice a month.  Recruitment for new servers will generally occur at the beginning of the school year with announcements made at Masses and in the bulletin.  Contact Phillip Nagy at

Art and Environment

The Art and Environment Committee is comprised of parishioners who are responsible for enhancing the church with seasonal decorations according to the Liturgical Seasons of the Catholic Church. Contact Andrea Heinstadt at or 781-934-6652.

Baptismal Robes

A group of parishioners who sew the Baptismal garments used in the infant Baptismal ceremony.  Contact Connie Moran at or 781-585-3151.

Eucharistic Adoration

All are welcome to adore the Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist displayed in the monstrance between 9:00am – 5:00pm every Friday in the chapel. Enter through the rear door of the church. Those wanting to sign up for a half an hour or an hour should contact Carole McCarthy at All are welcome to drop in for Eucharistic Adoration anytime during this period.

Eucharistic Ministers

These parishioners provide assistance distributing Holy Communion at Masses on a rotating basis, based on availability and Mass preference.  A training program conducted by the parish must be successfully completed.  Contact Mary Beth MacQuarrie at

Funeral Servers (Adult)

Adults who assist the priest at a funeral Mass.  Contact Kristen in Parish Office for more information 781-934-5055.


A group of parishioners who warmly welcome all weekend Mass attendees at the entrances of our church.  For more information in becoming involved in this ministry, please contact Mary Keefe at 781-934-5055 x116 or


Lectors are men and women of our parish (beginning with high school students who have been Confirmed) who communicate God's word by proclaiming the readings with clarity and enthusiasm. Training is offered in small group settings. Assignments are made on a rotating basis based on individual availability. Contact Frank Pugliano at

Music Program - Adult Choir

If you are considering giving one of the choirs a try, and have had previous experience as a choir member or cantor, we would love to have you.  The Choir sings at the 10:30am Mass.  Contact Mary Keefe at or 781-934-5055 x116.

Youth Musicians

We have Youth that sing in small choirs at special Masses. Give it a try! Signup now. Contact Mary Keefe at or 781-934-5055 x116.


Parishioners who assist with taking up the collection at weekend Masses and who are available for special seating needs and emergencies. Contact Edward Derringh at or 781-834-3244.