The Best in People

06-23-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Do you look for the best in people? Sometimes, that’s hard to do. Jesus saw the best in people – even sinners who did terrible things. In a time when people are quick to “write off” others they don’t like or approve of, we Christians are called to “march to the beat of a different drummer” – Jesus. Here’s a reflection about a Jesuit priest who sees that there is good in violent gang members. It comes from Christopher New Notes #661 entitled, “Look for the Best in People.” (

Father Greg Boyle is known for creating Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, one of which is Homeboy Bakery. This organization has served as a solution to the gang violence that has been taking many lives since the 1980’s. The priest puts gang rivals to work side-by-side in the bakery, and they soon come to know each other as human beings instead of enemies. He also understands that many of these gang members have come from broken or abusive homes where they were never truly loved. “Traumatized people are going to be more inclined to cause trauma,” Father Greg said in an interview with the Christophers, “but it’s equally true here at Homeboy that cherished people will be able to find their way to the joy there is in cherishing themselves and others.” His efforts have snowballed into the program he is renowned for to this day: Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation, and reentry program in the world. Father Greg hopes that everybody in Homeboy Industries takes away the simple but powerful notion to love all people because all people – despite what they’ve done – can be good. “People aren’t wicked,” he said. “They’re just strangers to their own goodness…. I hope that people will embrace loving as their practice, as their intention, as the thing that they work at.” Perhaps we are all strangers to our own goodness to some degree. Let’s try to find that goodness in others, thereby bringing it out in ourselves as well. To learn more about Homeboy Industries, visit:

God bless you!