Holy Week

04-02-2023Pastor's CornerVery Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF

This week, Holy Week, is the most solemn week of our Church year. A schedule of all the offerings for this week can be found on the lower left side of this page. Particularly important among the liturgies of Holy Week are the celebrations of the Triduum - the three days leading to Easter. On Holy Thursday, we have the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:30pm. In this liturgy, we recall not only the institution of the Holy Eucharist, but also the institution of Holy Orders, and the great commission from Jesus to love one another as He has loved us - recounting Jesus' washing the feet of His disciples. On Good Friday, with the Solemn Commemoration of the Lord's Passion at 3:00pm, we recall what Jesus endured to bring about our salvation. At this liturgy, we have the opportunity to hear the story of Jesus' journey to Calvary proclaimed from the Gospel of John, and to venerate the symbol of His Cross as well as to receive Holy Communion.

The most solemn and greatest feast of the Church Year is the Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30pm on Holy Saturday night. This liturgy begins in darkness and Christ our light is symbolized by candlelight as we rejoice that our Savior has overcome the darkness of sin and death. We listen to readings from Sacred Scripture that recall the significant events of salvation history culminating in Jesus' Resurrection from the dead. Those who have been preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist are now able to partake in these Sacraments at this Mass. It is so moving to share the joy of their reaching this goal for which they have been preparing for a long time. This year, we will welcome 3 new members of our Catholic family of faith at the Easter Vigil! Each member of the community gathered has the opportunity to join with these newly received into our Church to profess our faith in Jesus Christ and pledge anew our decision to follow Him closely in the holy Catholic Church, which he established. This liturgy is filled with joy at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and our sharing in the risen life of Christ at Holy Eucharist is a highlight of this celebration.

I hope you and your family will take part in these central liturgies of our Church. They are wonderful "teachable moments," which engender wonder and awe at the great mysteries of our faith that they celebrate. Create memories that will last and let these liturgies be a stimulus for fruitful conversation within your family about Jesus, our Church and the faith we hold dear as Catholics.

God bless you!

Fr. Bob