Pastor's Corner

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09-17-2023Pastor's CornerVery Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF

As we resume our “normal” schedules and routines now that summer is ending, I take this opportunity to encourage each of us to renew our commitment to regular participation at weekend Mass. I’m saying this not only as a reminder to attend Mass every Sunday, but particularly, to renew our commitment to an active, engaged and whole-hearted involvement of our minds, hearts, souls and voices in the worship we are providing to God. What draws me to remark about this is my noticing rather weak spoken responses and spotty participation in the singing from members of our congregation at Mass.

Have you noticed that, too? I suspect it’s not always conscious and intentional, but rather an unfortunate habit, which is influenced by other group gatherings we participate in, like going to a sports event or some kind of performance. These communal activities require only passively listening and observing – not actually participating. Our passively watching various forms of entertainment on our favorite device may also have a similar influence.

Holy Family Parish has tried to facilitate people’s full, active and conscious participation by projecting on the wall the spoken and sung parts of the Mass. Being engaged in the prayer of our Mass is how we worship God “in spirit and in truth.” Merely showing up and observing is not real worship. Wholehearted, spirited singing and robust responses will truly honor our God, as it should at Mass. Just think how much our children need our good example to know what is expected. Returning church-goers and new-comers need our enthusiastic engagement in the prayer of the Mass to be confirmed in their decision to join us each Sunday. If there is going to be any spiritual renewal in our worship, it will require the committed and fervent participation on the part of each member of our congregation. And so, I invite you to consider what a difference it will make when you and all of the members of our worshipping community full-throatedly participate in a way that conveys we really mean what we are saying and singing when we worship God at Mass.

God bless you!

Fr. Bob