3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

01-21-2024Pastor's CornerVery Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF

Do you know that as a lay person, you have a unique contribution to make in God’s plan for our society? The holy People of God indeed have a very special and important role. This is described in the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church #31. “It belongs to the laity to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will. They live in the world, that is, they are engaged in each and every work and business of the earth and in the ordinary circumstances of social and family life, from which, as it were, the very web of their existence is woven.

There they are called by God that, being led by the Spirit to the Gospel, they may contribute to the sanctification of the world, as from within like leaven, by fulfilling their own particular duties.” With this responsibility, it is necessary for every Catholic to strive to be conformed to the mind and heart of Christ. If each member of the Body of Christ is to help shape temporal affairs according to the will of God, every person must be attentive to the voice of our Shepherd in daily prayer, be formed by the teachings of Christ and His Church, and be sanctified and empowered by the Holy Spirit through regular participation in the sacraments. Only through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, living a holy, Christ-centered life will one be able to effectively carry on this special mission entrusted to the lay faithful of our Church.

What do you think are your unique contributions to this effort? To “seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will” might mean maintaining just business practices, striving for fairness in dealing with others, promoting moral values in educational endeavors, and being solicitous of those who are disadvantaged. The way you allow Jesus and His way of life and love to influence your relationships, policies and behavior at work, within the community and in the family, will accomplish the mission you have been entrusted to direct all things according to God’s will. Some people today believe that it is no one’s business to influence society in such a way. In other words, let each person do what they think is right and good, and let the chips fall where they may. But, as weak as human nature is, everyone will look out for their own good and not necessarily for the good of others, and be unwilling to foster the society’s common good. That’s one reason we have law. This is where our Catholic faith and morals have so much more to contribute to the good of our society. It is the particular purview of the lay faithful of our Church to see that our world benefits from the saving life, teaching and power of Jesus Christ. How will this realization reinvigorate your commitment to live your faith more boldly and with greater determination?

God bless you!

Fr. Bob