You Are Not Alone

02-18-2024Pastor's Corner

I’ve become more aware of people who are experiencing loss in one form or another. It might be the loss of a loved one through death, the loss of a spouse through divorce, the loss of innocence, the loss of a job and one’s livelihood, the loss of the ability to function normally because of disability or old age, the loss of one’s honor and standing in the community, the loss of a friend because of the parting of ways, or the loss of the “safe and familiar” having been uprooted. Maybe you can add to this list from your own experience.

Loss is a kind of dying and with it comes grief. It requires a “letting go,” which is painful and takes time, but it’s also necessary for healing to occur, and for a new perspective and new possibilities to emerge. During this Lenten season in the course of our own personal examination of conscience, we may find ourselves coming to terms with a loss of proper balance in our life and the need to let go of what we’ve used as a crutch or found somewhat satisfying but empty of real value, meaning and purpose. A true “dying to self” may be called for, which will not be easy to accomplish. Yet, the hope for new life, freedom and fresh beginnings makes the effort worthwhile. And, when this journey to wholeness is blessed with the grace of God through our prayer and reception of the sacraments, we find wonderful healing and strength, and the power we need to accomplish our goals. Providentially, this is all made possible for us by the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Paschal Mystery, in which we are invited to join our own “dying” to Jesus’ death on the cross every time we participate in the “Sacrifice” of the Mass, where the hope of a new life comes through Him!

And so, if you are going through your own loss right now and feel the pain very deeply, know of my prayers and the prayers and support of this faith community as you venture into uncharted waters seeking healing and a new tomorrow. You are not alone. Those of us taking seriously the Lenten call to conversion who face a “dying to self” journey in solidarity with you, and share great hope in the newness of life the Lord’s triumph over death promises us all.

God bless you!

Fr. Bob